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Remove Background API

The Remix API is an application programming interface that generates product images naturally based on a given reference image and prompt. With this API, users can seamlessly create product photos that align with their desired specifications.


X-Photio-Key : {PHOTIO_API_KEY}

Do you not have an API key yet?

To call the API, you first need to obtain a Photio API key. To get your API key, go to the API Dashboard. After registering your card, you can use the issued API key.

Request Body

imagestring-This can be either a image in base64 format or an image URL. Input image for background removal.
curl --request POST
--header 'X-Photio-Key: {X-Photio-Key}'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{ "image": ""}'


status_codeintIn the response, you can find a status value to check the status of the request. A normal response is indicated by 200, authentication issues by 401, and API status problems by a 500 error.
bodystringThe result image data is output as a Base64-encoded string.
Response Example
"status_code": Int,
"body": Base64 String

Output Example Generate API Example Image